Monday, July 2, 2012

The great WHY

They day is finally here! We are ready to go. Five suitcases, one duffle (loaded mainly with requests and gifts for our family in the Holy Land. *note to those thinking of aliyah, shoes and deoderant need to be stockpiled before you move), carry-on's for everyone (loaded mainly with gaming devices and wires and more wires and candy) and 2 strollers (one for us and one to donate to a needy Israeli family). Better not to forget LAMBY and blue blanky.
A lot of people have asked me WHY are we going and WHY are we going for so long. Fortunately, due to my job I get to answer this question uninterrupted for at least a half hour several times a day. Some times I like to keep it brief: because we can. Some times I take the easy way out: My son just had his bar mitzvah and we are going to add to the celebration by having him do it again at the Wall. Some times I get all sentimental: My son AND my nephew are 3 months apart and I thought it would be really special to take them BOTH to the Kotel along with my dad and have them all have aliyahs. And, we are going to stay in a house with a five minute walk to my sister's house. My kids and her kids can roam the streets of Ramat Beit Shemesh and get in some much missed cousin time since they moved two years ago. Some times I give the real reason: My kids are getting older, high school is just a hiccup away. Once they leave the house, who knows when we will be able to round everyone up and do this kind of trip again. My husband's job has become more time demanding so he can't get away for as long so easily. We may never be given the chance again to really gel the family and create this kind of experience and to create these kinds of memories (or so I hope!).
We are going for so long because once you get the tickets for seven people and pack the bags for seven people (see photo) and put up with 15 hour flight, you may as well stay for a while.
We are blessed, we are fortunate, we planned and saved for this trip for a very long time. We get to go and I am so thrilled and thankful to be doing so.

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