Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Some almonds we eat, some we play with and some we avoid.

Our third day up north was meant to start with a trip to Tiveria (Tiberias) to go to the Kever of the Rambam and perhaps check out the Kinneret, but I had decided that between the intense heat (and it is like a steam oven down there) and nearly reaching the max of graves my kids could take in a 24 hour period, we decided to change plans. I asked our Kibbutz host for some ideas that would also take us slowly south on our way back to Ramat Beit Shemesh. He produced for me a coupon booklet of activities to do in the Galil/Golan. Whoa Hoo! He did not know that giving it to me was like giving candy to a child. I love those things even in Los Angeles.  He even took the time to paper clip a few things he thought the kids would particularly enjoy. We decided to go to Kfar Tavor which had a few choices.
When we reached the Kfar, we went to the Marzipan Museum. My kids are used to my fondant cake and cookie creations, so they really got into the food sculptures on display. It was like walking into an episode of Cake Boss or Ace of Cakes! (Albeit on a much smaller scale) After checking out the featured "Women of Tanach and History" exhibit we watched the movie about the history of marzipan and marzipan on the kfar. Israel wins for corny movies. This time it was an "Italian" narrator. We also got to try our hands at molding our own marzipan creations. *note, the marzipan had a hechsher, but not mehadrin, so we played with it and had a great time, but it you are at your own discretion for eating it.
Who can resist a Kibbutz called Gan Garoo that was founded by Australians and had free roaming kangaroos to pet? Not me! With our coupon booklet, we even got 10% off admissions. Gan Garoo is further south, right next to Gan HaShlosha/Sachne and near Beit Shean. It is also Australian outback HOT! At first the park was a bit disappointing and zoo like with sleeping koalas and birds, but then we got to the kangaroo feeding and petting area. That was awesome. You can buy feed for a shekel and have them literally eat out of your hands.
Their fur was rougher than expected and the hopping is comical. They had a few other typical animal exhibits, a tree maze, a playground and another favorite, a lorakeet feeding area. The zookeeper gave everyone several sticks with apple bits and we entered the enclosure. If you get near to the birds they climb onto your arm or head and eat the apples. Some of my kids could have stayed there all day. We also watched the keeper feed some of the birds live beetles. We entertained the idea of going to Sachne to swim in the hot springs, but the thought of having everyone change twice was just not that appealing for the third day in a row. Something to save for next trip ;)
Finally it was time to head back down to Central Israel and meet Raphy, Bettina and Rina for dinner at Gechalim. This is the home of the endless salad and fresh laffa for 18NIS a head. (Note to those getting hungry, "Almonds" are not the vegetarian kind that you find at Kfar Tavor.) The kids meals came with shark shaped water guns, so the meal was a success all around. By 9:30pm we were back in RBS.

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