Friday, July 27, 2012

Hakol B'Yedai Shemayim

My sister suggested a short interesting hike near her house for today's activities. Snack bags and lunches were packed, water was frozen and cameras were ready. Since I didn't know where we were going she lead the way. We made it to our hike after an hour long detour on the highway involving a road surveyor who should watch where he is going, a couple ambulances, a whole slew of police and some forms. Don't worry, no one in my family or my sister's family were injured. It will forever serve as a warning to my kids about standing in the street and will make Rabbi G's comment "Kids, go play on the highway" a little less funny.
Since the way was heavy on the drama we stopped off to see the ancient oil press that was used to get the last remnants of oil out. The kids climbed up for their photo op. We drove by the Roman stairway to somewhere and passed a water collecting chamber. Our final stop was ruins with mosaic floors. They had recently put up a barrier gate, but the kids ignored it and went to go examine the site.
Before Shabbos we picked up some supplies from Angel's Bakery, some flowers for my sister and a BOX of Sponge Bob Popsicles. The little girls took Bailey around our street with dolly carriages and babies (a first for the Bailes!) the boys played DS and Ipad games and The Shayna-Mendel alliance took Meir to redeem his shekels for a prize at the shekel store. He proudly came home with a Yerushalaim key chain. Wouldn't it be great if that qualified as his souvenir?

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